Korean Travel Phrases “Sick,accident,Trouble,sightseeing conversation phrases”

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“I’m sick. ” “아픕니다.”
“I’ve been injured. ” “상처를 입었습니다.”
“I need a doctor. ” “의사가 필요합니다. ”
“Can I use your phone? ” “당신의 전화기를 사용해도 되겠습니까?”
“I have a sore throat” “목이 따가워요”
“I got a spider bite” “거미에 물렸어요”
“Where does it hurt?” “어디가 아프세요?”
“My stomach hurts.” “배 아파요.”
“My head hurts.” “머리 아파요.”
“My back hurts.” “허리 아파요.”
“I have a fever.” “열이 있어요.”
“I have a headache.” “두통이 있어요.”
“I have diabetes.” “당뇨병이 있어요.”
“I have heart disease.” “심장병이 있어요.”
“I have asthma.” “천식이 있어요.”
“I have diarrhea.” “설사 해요.”
“I have constipation.” “변비있어요.”
“I keep coughing.” “계속 기침해요.”
“I feel like vomiting.” “토할 것 같아요.”
“I don’t have an appetite.” “식욕이 없어요.”
“How long do you think I need to be hospitalized?” “얼마동안 입원해야 되나요?”
“How much does it cost to be hospitalized?” “입원실 비용이 어떻게 돼죠?”
“When can I be discharged?” “언제 퇴원할 수 있나요?”
“I have a cold” “감기 있어요”
“I can apologize” “나는 사과할 수 있습니다”
“can I help you?” “도와드릴까요? ”
“can you help me?” “도와주시겠습니까? ”
“do you speak English?” “영어를 할 수 있습니까? ”
“Help! ” “도와주십시오!”
“Leave me alone.” “혼자 내버려 두십시오.”
“Don’t touch me! ” “만지지 마십시오!”
“I’ll call the police. ” “경찰을 부르겠습니다! ”
“Police! ” “경찰!”
“Stop! Thief! ” “서라! 도둑이야!”
“I need your help. ” “당신의 도움이 필요합니다. ”
“It’s an emergency. ” “응급 상황입니다.”
“I’m lost. ” “길을 잃었습니다. ”
“I lost my bag. ” “가방을 잃었습니다.”
“I lost my wallet. ” “지갑을 잃었습니다.”
“I haven’t done anything wrong. ” “저는 잘못한 것이 없습니다.”
“It was a misunderstanding. ” “그것은 오해였습니다.”
“Where are you taking me? ” “저를 어디로 데려가십니까?”
“Am I under arrest? ” “저는 체포됩니까? ”
“I want to talk to a lawyer. ” “변호사에게 이야기하고 싶습니다.”
“Can I just pay a fine now? ” “지금 벌금을 내도 되겠습니까? ”
“where is he?” “그는 어디 있습니까?”
“I want to rent a car. ” “차를 빌리고 싶습니다.”
“Can I get insurance? ” “보험을 들 수 있습니까?”
“stop (on a street sign) ” “정치”
“one way ” “일방 통행”