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“Check out please” “請幫忙辦理退房手續”
“Please help me to call the taxi” “請幫忙叫下計程車”
“Room service, please” “客房服務,拜托了”
“Is there Wi-Fi?” “請問有WIFI嗎?”
“Do you have a safety deposit box?” “請問有保險櫃嗎?”
“What is the password?” “請問密碼是多少?”
“Do you have an iron?” “請問有熨斗嗎?”
“Where is the nearest station?” “請問最近的車站在哪呢?”
“Where is the nearest supermarket?” “離這最近的超市在哪呢?”
“What time is the breakfast?” “請問早餐是幾點呢?”
“What time is the check out?” “請問退房是幾點呢?”
“Do you offer a currency exchange service?” “請問可以提供兌換貨幣服務嗎?”
“Please come to the room.” “請到房間來一下。”
“The bathroom can’t be used” “浴室用不了”
“Wi-Fi doesn’t work” “WIFI用不了”
“Air conditioner doesn’t work” “空調用不了”
“Can I store my luggage?” “請問可以存放行李嗎?”
“I’ve left my cellphone” “我的手機落在這裡了”
“Where is the toilet?” “洗手間在哪裡?”
“eat in” “內用”
“take away/out” “外帶”
“Can I see the menu?” “我要看菜單”
“May I order please.” “我要點菜”
“one” “一個”
“two” “兩個”
“three” “三個”
“fore” “四個”
“I want this” “我要這個”
“Can you make it less spicy?” “不要太辣”
“very delicious” “好吃”
“It is not delicious” “不好吃”
“I need a refill” “請再来一杯茶”
“It is really delicious” “真好吃”
“Please hav a cuo of tea” “請喝茶”
“smell good” “好香”
“Where shall we eat?” “要去哪裡吃飯”
“What do you want to eat?” “你想吃什麼?”
“I want to eat Minced pork rice” “我想吃魯肉飯。”
“Whatever you think is fine with me” “無所謂”
“What do you drink” “你喝什麼?”
“What kind of taste is it?” “什麼味道?”
“too spicy” “太辣了。”
“Can I book a seat?” “可以訂位嗎”
“I want to book a table” “我想要訂位”
“We have a total of 3 people here.” “我這裡總共有3個人”
“I have no reservations.” “我沒有訂位”
“Do you have a seat?” “有座位嗎”
“When will there be vacancies?” “什麼時候會有空位”
“How long should I wait?” “要等多久”
“so I will wait” “那我就等一下”
“May I see the menu?” “請給我菜單”
“Which dish is recommended?” “哪道菜是推薦的”
“spicy?” “辣不辣”
“What is this dish?” “這是什麼菜”
“I want to add this dish.” “我要再加這道菜”
“Can I have some water?” “請給我一杯水”
“Please do not add ice cubes” “請不要加冰塊”
“My order has not come yet” “我點的菜還沒來”
“I didn’t order this dish.” “我沒有點這道菜”
“Can you trouble me a little faster?” “能不能麻煩快一點”
“Let’s eat!” “我開動了”
“Please change the plate” “請換個盤子”
“Please change the ashtray” “請換個煙灰缸”
“Do you have dessert?” “有甜品嗎”
“Do you have any alcohol?” “有酒嗎”
“Do you have beers?” “有啤酒嗎”
“Thank you for the meal” “我吃完了”
“I am full” “吃飽了”
“Not enough” “吃不夠”
“Check please” “請結帳”
“How much in total?” “請結帳”
“I will treat you” “我請客”
“Thank you for the meal” “多謝您請客”
“Take out please” “請幫我打包”
“What kind of meat is this?” “這是什麼肉?”
“Non-smoking seat please” “請安排禁煙席”
“smoking seat please” “麻煩安排吸煙座位”
“Fork please” “請給我叉子”
“Spoon please” “請給我湯匙”
“Please give me a small plate” “請給我一個小盤子”
“Can I have the same dish as that?” “和他們點的一樣”
“I prefer window seat” “有靠窗的位子嗎?”
“Is there a box room?” “有包廂嗎?”
“Is there an English menu?” “有英文菜單嗎?”
“Is there a vegetarian menu?” “有素食菜單嗎?”
“Is there a non-alcoholic beer?” “有不含酒精的啤酒嗎?”
“Can you take it out?” “可以外帶嗎?”
“Can I have another glass of water” “再來一杯水”