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“How much” “Berapa harganya?”
“Can I have my check please?” “Tolong bonnya”
“Can I get a discount?” “Bisa minta potongan harga?”
“I don’t wanna it” “Saya tidak menginginkannya”
“Let’s go shopping” “Belanja yuk!”
“Just looking around” “Cuma lihat-lihat ”
“Looking around first” “Lihat-lihat dulu ya”
“Can I take a look at this?” “Bisa lihat yang ini?”
“Can I try this one on?” “Bisakah saya coba yang ini?”
“It is fixed price, Sir.” “Harga pas Pak”
“Do you have this in my size? ” “Ada yang ukuran saya?”
“How much is this? ” “Berapa harganya?”
“That’s too expensive. ” “Terlalu mahal. ”
“I can’t afford it. ” “Saya tidak bisa beli itu.”
“I don’t want it. ” “Saya tidak mau”
“You’re cheating me. ” “Saya ditipu ya?”
“I’m not interested. ” “Saya tidak tertarik.”
“OK, I’ll take it. ” “OK, saya mau. ”
“Can I have a bag?” “Ada tas?”
“Do you ship overseas?” “Bisa kirim ke luar negeri?”
“I need… ” “Saya perlu…”
“Do you have any rooms available? ” “Ada kamar kosong?”
“How much is a room for one person?” “Berapa harganya kamar untuk satu?”
“Does the room come with… ” “Apakah ini termasuk…”
“May I see the room first? ” “Bisa lihat kamarnya dulu?”
“OK, I’ll take it. ” “Baik saya mau.”
“Can you suggest another hotel? ” “Tahu hotel lainnya? ”
“Do you have a safe? ” “Anda punya deposit box?”
“Is breakfast/supper included? ” “Sudah termasuk sarapan/makan malam?”
“What time is breakfast/supper? ” “Sarapannya/makan malamnya jam berapa?”
“Please clean my room. ” “Tolong kamar saya dibersihkan. ”
“Can you wake me at _____?” “Saya bisa dibangunkan pada pukul _____?”
“I want to check out. ” “Saya mau check out.”