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“Where is the restroom?” “Di mana kamar mandi?”
“Can I get internet access here?” “Bisa saya dapatkan akses internet di sini?”
“Can you recommend a good restaurant near here?” “Bisa rekomendasikan restoran yang bagus di dekat sini?”
“less sugar, please” “tolong gulanya sedikit aja”
“do not add sugar, please” “ga usah pakai gula”
“could I get some pepper” ” boleh minta lada ”
“could I get a spoon and fork?” “boleh minta sendok dan garpu”
“is there any chopsticks?” “ada sumpit? ”
“do not add fried onion” “jangan pakai bawang goreng”
“We should pay now or later?” “Bayarnya sekarang atau nanti?”
“The food would be delivered later to you” “Nanti makanannya diantar ”
“Can I get a plate?” “Tolong minta piring kosong ya, Mas”
“Can I get some ice cubes, please?” “Tolong minta es batu ya”
“A table for one person, please.” “Tolong, satu meja untuk satu”
“Can I look at the menu, please? ” “Bisa lihat menunya?”
“Is there a house specialty? ” “Ada makanan istimewa?”
“Is there a local specialty? ” “Ada makanan khas daerah ini?”
“I’m a vegetarian. ” “Saya vegetarian.”
“I’m a vegetarian. ” “Saya vegetarian. ”
“I don’t eat pork.” “Saya tidak makan babi.”
“I don’t eat beef. ” “Saya tidak makan sapi.”
“Can you make it “”lite””, please?” “Tolong bisa dibuat dengan lebih sedikit minyak? ”
“I want _____. ” “Saya mau pesan _____.”
“I want a dish containing _____. ” “Saya mau makanan yang mengandung _____.”
“May I have a glass of _____?” “Saya bisa minta satu gelas _____?”
“May I have a cup of _____? ” “Saya bisa minta satu cangkir_____?”
“May I have a bottle of _____? ” “Saya bisa minta satu botol _____?”
“May I have some _____? ” “Saya bisa minta _____?”
“Excuse me, waiter?” “Mas-Mas!”
“I’m finished. ” “Saya sudah selesai. ”
“It was delicious. ” “Tadi enak rasanya.”
“Please clear the plates. ” “Tolong piringnya diambil.”
“The check, please. ” “Minta bon. ”
“Do you serve alcohol? ” “Anda menyajikan alkohol?”
“A beer, please.” “Tolong, satu bir.”
“A glass of red wine, please.” “Tolong, satu gelas anggur merah”
“A bottle, please. ” “Tolong, satu botol. ”
“Do you have any bar snacks?” “Ada makanan kecil?”
“One more, please.” “Tolong, satu lagi. ”
“Another round, please.” “Tolong, satu ronde lagi.”
“When is closing time? ” “Pukul berapa tutup?”