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“Monday” “Isnin”
“Tuesday” “Selasa”
“Wednesday” “Rabu”
“Thursday” “Khamis”
“Friday” “Jumaat”
“Saturday” “Sabtu”
“Sunday” “Ahad”
“time” “masa”
“hour” “jam”
“minute” “minit”
“second” “saat”
“colors” “Warna”
“black” “hitam”
“blue” “biru”
“brown” “coklat”
“gray” “kelabu”
“green” “hijau”
“orange” “jingga”
“purple” “ungu”
“red” “merah”
“white” “putih”
“yellow” “kuning”
“sizes” “saiz”
“big” “besar”
“deep” “dalam”
“long” “panjang”
“narrow” “sempit”
“short” “pendek”
“small” “kecil”
“tall” “tinggi”
“thick” “tebal”
“thin” “nipis”
“wide” “lebar”
“this” “ini”
“that” “bahawa”
“those” “itu”
“how?” “bagaimana?”
“what?” “apa?”
“who?” “siapa?”
“why?” “mengapa?”
“where?” “di mana?”
“art” “seni”
“bank” “bank”
“beach” “pantai”
“yesterday” “semalam”
“today” “hari ini”
“tomorrow” “besok”
“Now” “Sekarang”
“later, then” “kemudian”
“tonight” “malam ini”
“right now” “sekarang juga”
“last night” “malam tadi”
“this morning” “pagi ini”
“next week” “minggu depan”
“already” “sudah”
“recently” “baru-baru ini”
“lately” “akhir-akhir ini”
“soon” “akan”
“immediately” “serta merta”
“still” “masih”
“yet” “namun”
“ago” “silam”
“here” “sini”
“there” “sana”
“over there” “di sana”
“everywhere” “mana-mana”
“anywhere” “di mana-mana”
“home” “rumah”
“away” “jauh”
“out, outside” “ke luar”
“inside” “di dalam”
“behind” “di sebalik”
“at school” “di sekolah”
“quite” “agak”
“pretty, beautiful” “cantik”
“really” “benar-benar”
“well” “baik”
“quickly” “cepat-cepat”
“slowly” “perlahan-lahan”
“carefully” “berhati-hati”
“barely, just” “baru saja”
“mostly” “kebanyakan”
“almost” “hampir”
“absolutely” “sama sekali”
“together” “bersama”
“alone” “sendirian”
“suggestion” “cadangan”
“speak” “cakap”
“Beautiful” “Cantik”
“search” “cari”
“cheque” “cek”
“story, tale” “cerita”
“love” “cinta”
“kiss” “cium”
“It’s hot (weather)” “Cuaca panas”
“The weather is cold” “Cuaca sejuk”
“to try, make an attempt” “cuba”
“to wash, make clean with water or other liquid” “cuci”
“enough, sufficient, full” “cukup”
“to steal, to rob” “curi”
“holiday” “cuti”
“a picture, a photograph” “gambar”
“replace, substitute” “ganti”
“laugh” “gelak”
“dark (eg of hair)” “gelap”
“like” “gemar”
“happy” “gembira”
“fat, plump” “gemuk”
“church” “gereja”
“tooth” “gigi”
“fry” “goreng”
“sugar” “gula”
“sweets” “gula-gula”
“to use” “guna”
“headmaster” “guru besar”
“finished, gone, to end, to complete, after” “habis”
“in front of” “hadapan”
“present” “hadiah”
“send” “hantar”
“only, except” “hanya”
“hope, expect” “harap”
“price, value” “harga”
“day” “hari”
“birthday” “hari jadi”
“careful” “hati hati”
“climate” “hawa”
“aircon” “hawa dingin”
“to want, wish” “hendak”
“nose” “hidung”
“lost” “hilang”
“up to, as far as, until” “hingga”
“smoke” “hisap rokok”
“honest, sincere” “ikhlas”
“to follow, to go along, to imitate” “ikut”
“to remember, to recall, to be careful” “ingat”
“this, this is” “ini”
“monday” “isnin”
“wife” “isteri”
“special, extraordinary” “istimewa”
“happen, occur, become, succeed” “jadi”
“a road, a way, a method; to walk” “jalan”
“hour; a clock” “jam”
“watch” “jam tangan”
“guarantee” “jaminan”
“don’t” “jangan”
“beard” “janggut”
“promise, agree” “janji”
“seldom” “jarang”
“finger, toe” “jari”
“fall” “jatuh”
“far” “jauh”
“invite” “jempat”
“type” “jenis”
“January ” “Januari ”
“February ” “Februari ”
“March ” “Mac ”
“April ” “April”
“May ” “Mei ”
“June ” “Jun ”
“July ” “Julai ”
“August ” “Ogos ”
“September ” “September”
“October ” “Oktober”
“November ” “November ”
“December ” “Disember”
“bad” “buruk”
“clean” “bersih”
“dark” “gelap”
“difficult” “sukar”
“dirty” “kotor”
“dry” “kering”
“easy” “senang”
“empty” “kosong”
“fast” “cepat”
“foreign” “asing”
“full” “penuh”
“good” “baik”
“local” “tempatan”
“new” “baru”
“old” “tua”
“powerful” “berkuasa”
“quiet” “senyap”
“correct” “betul”
“slow” “perlahan”
“soft” “lembut”
“very” “sangat”
“weak” “lemah”
“wet” “basah”
“wrong” “salah”
“young” “muda”
“country” “negara”
“desert” “gurun”
“dictionary” “kamus”
“earth” “bumi”
“flowers” “bunga-bunga”
“football” “bola sepak”
“forest” “hutan”
“game” “permainan”
“garden” “taman”
“geography” “Geografi”
“history” “sejarah”
“island” “pulau”
“lake” “tasik”
“library” “perpustakaan”
“math” “matematik”
“moon” “bulan”
“mountain” “gunung”
“movies” “wayang gambar”
“music” “muzik”
“ocean” “lautan”
“office” “pejabat”
“on foot” “berjalan kaki”
“player” “Pemain”
“river” “sungai”
“science” “sains”
“sea” “laut”
“sky” “langit”
“soccer” “bola sepak”
“stars” “bintang”
“supermarket” “supermarket”
“swimming pool” “kolam renang”
“theater” “teater”
“tree” “pokok”
“weather” “cuaca”
“bad weather” “cuaca tidak bagus”
“cloudy” “mendung”
“cold” “sejuk”
“cool” “sejuk”
“foggy” “berkabus”
“hot” “panas”
“nice weather” “cuaca bagus”
“pouring” “hujan lebat”
“rain” “hujan”
“raining” “hujan”
“snow” “salji”
“snowing” “bersalji”
“ice” “ais”
“sunny” “cerah”
“windy” “berangin”
“spring” “musim bunga”
“summer” “musim panas”
“autumn” “musim gugur”
“winter” “musim sejuk”
“people” “orang”
“aunt” “Ibu saudara”
“baby” “bayi”
“brother” “Abang/adik lelaki”
“cousin” “sepupu”
“daughter” “Anak perempuan”
“dentist” “doktor gigi”
“doctor” “doktor”
“father” “ayah”
“grandfather” “datuk”
“grandmother” “nenek”
“husband” “suami”
“mother” “ibu”
“nephew” “Anak saudara lelaki”
“niece” “Anak saudara perempuan”
“nurse” “jururawat”
“policeman” “polis”
“postman” “Posmen”
“professor” “profesor”
“son” “Anak lelaki”
“teacher” “guru”
“uncle” “Bapa saudara”
“wife” “isteri”
“1” “satu”
“2” “dua”
“3” “tiga”
“4” “empat”
“5” “lima”
“6” “enam”
“7” “tujuh”
“8” “lapan”
“9” “sembilan”
“10” “sepuluh”
“11” “sebelas”
“12” “dua belas”
“13” “tiga belas”
“14” “empat belas”
“15” “lima belas”
“16” “enam belas”
“17” “tujuh belas”
“18” “lapan belas”
“19” “sembilan belas”
“20” “dua puluh”
“100” “seratus”
“101” “seratus satu”
“110” “seratus sepuluh”
“200” “dua ratus”
“300” “tiga ratus”
“372” “tiga ratus tujuh puluh dua”
“411” “empat ratus sebelas”
“1,000” “seribu”
“5,000” “lima ribu”
“first” “pertama”
“third” “ketiga”
“fourth” “keempat”
“fifth” “kelima”