Indonesian Travel Phrases “Telephone,Transportation conversation phrases”

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“Excuse me, who is this?” “Permisi, siapa ini?”
“Who’s calling?” “Siapa yang menelepon?”
“Hold on, please.” “Mohon tunggu.”
“I’ll put you through.” “Saya akan menyambungkan Anda.”
“I got your message.” “Saya mendapat pesan Anda.”
“I’ll transfer you.” “Saya akan memindah- kan Anda.”
“I’m returning your call.” “Saya membalas panggilan Anda.”
“Could I take a message?” “Ada pesan yang bisa saya sampaikan?”
“The line is busy.” “Salurannya sibuk.”
“Could you repeat the number please?” “Bisakah Anda mengulang nomornya?”
“Which direction?” “Ke arah mana?”
“It’s near here” “Dekat dari sini”
“It’s far from here” “Jauh dari sini”
“How much does it cost to get to _____? ” “Berapa harganya ke _____?”
“Take me there, please. ” “Tolong antar saya ke sana.”
“Taxi! ” “Taksi!”
“Take me to _____, please. ” “Bisa pergi ke _____. ”
“Turn left. ” “Belok kiri. ”
“Turn right. ” “Belok kanan. ”
“Turn around. ” “Putar balik. ”
“Watch for the _____. ” “Lihat _____.”
“Stop here. ” “Berhenti di sini.”
“Wait here. ” “Tunggu di sini.”
“How do I get to _____ ? ” “Bagaimana saya bisa ke _____ ?”
“Do you accept American dollars?” “Bisa pakai dollar Amerika?”
“Do you accept British pounds? ” “Bisa pakai poundsterling Inggris?”
“Do you accept credit cards? ” “Bisa pakai kartu kredit?”
“Can you change money for me? ” “Apa saya bisa tukar uang?”
“Where can I get money changed? ” “Di mana saya bisa tukar uang?”
“Can you change a traveler’s check for me? ” “Anda bisa tukar traveler’s check saya?”
“Where can I get a traveler’s check changed? ” “Di mana saya bisa tukar traveler’s check? ”
“What is the exchange rate? ” “Apa kursnya?”