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“how big is it?” “그것은 얼마나 큽니까? ”
“how much is this?” “얼마입니까?”
“Do you have this in my size? ” “이 것으로 제 사이즈 있습니까? ”
“How much is this? ” “이것은 얼마입니까?”
“That’s too expensive. ” “너무 비쌉니다.”
“I can’t afford it. ” “그것을 살 여유가 없습니다.”
“I don’t want it. ” “그것을 원하지 않습니다.”
“You’re cheating me. ” “저를 속이고 있군요. ”
“I’m not interested. ” “관심 없습니다.”
“OK, I’ll take it.” “좋습니다, 그것을 사겠습니다. ”
“Can I have a bag? ” “가방을 살 수 있습니까?”
“Do you ship (overseas)? ” “(해외로) 발송합니까? ”
“hat” “모자”
“ink” “잉크”
“jacket” “재킷”
“letter” “편지”
“newspaper” “신문 ”
“notebook” “수첩”
“pants” “바지”
“paper” “종이”
“pen” “펜 ”
“pencil” “연필 ”
“picture” “그림 ”
“plate” “접시”
“refrigerator” “냉장고 ”
“restaurant” “레스토랑”
“scissors” “가위 ”
“shampoo” “샴푸”
“shirt” “셔츠 ”
“shoes” “구두”
“soap” “비누 ”
“socks” “양말”
“spoon” “숟가락”
“table” “식탁”
“toilet” “화장실”
“toothbrush” “칫솔 ”
“toothpaste” “치약”
“towel” “수건”
“umbrella” “우산”
“underwear” “속옷”
“wall” “벽”
“wallet” “지갑”
“Cheap” “싸다”
“Empty” “비어 있다”
“Expensive” “비싸다”
“Shoes” “구두”
“Socks” “양말”
“Book” “책”
“Books” “서적”