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“potatoes” “khoai tây”
“pumpkin” “bí đỏ”
“beans” “đậu”
“tomatoes” “cà chua”
“fork” “nĩa”
“glass” “ly”
“cafe” “cà phê”
“cook” “nấu ăn”
“eat” “ăn”
“sour” “chua”
“spicy” “cay”
“very delicious” “rất ngon”
“a little spicy” “hơi cay”
“salty” “mặn”
“boiled” “luộc”
“grilled/barbecued/baked” “nướng”
“coal barbecued” “nướng than”
“baked” “đút lò”
“fried/deep fried” “rán”
“meat” “thịt”
“vegetable” “rau”
“chicken” “thịt gà”
“beef” “thịt bò”
“prawn” “tôm”
“crab” “cua”
“squid” “mực”
“duck” “vịt”
“goose” “ngan”
“califlower” “súp lơ”
“kidney bean” “đậu tây”
“garlic clove” “tép tỏi”
“broccoli” “súp lơ xanh”
“black bean” “đậu đen”
“cabbage” “cải bắp”
“string bean” “quả đậu tây”
“zucchini” “bí ngồi”
“brussels sprouts” “cải bluxen”
“lima beans” “đậu lima”
“acorn squash” “bí đấu”
“watercress” “cải xoong”
“pea” “đậu”
“radish” “củ cải”
“asparagus” “măng tây”
“mushroom” “nấm”
“escarole” “rau diếp mạ”
“tomato” “cà chua”
“onion” “hành”
“spinach” “rau bina”
“cucumber” “dưa chuột”
“herb” “rau thơm”
“eggplant” “cà tím”
“beet” “cây củ cải đường”
“celery” “cần tây”
“artichoke” “atisô”
“potato” “khoai tây”
“corn” “lõi ngô”
“a bunch of grapes” “một chùm nho”
“apricot” “quả mơ”
“cashew” “hạt điều”
“stem” “cuố”
“core” “lõi”
“strawberry” “dâu tây”
“coconut” “dừa”
“raspberries” “mâm xôi”
“watermelon” “dưa hấu”
“pineapple” “dứa”
“nectarine” “quả xuân đào”
“hazelnut” “hạt d̉ nhỏ”
“mango” “xoài”
“pear” “quả lê”
“almond” “quả hạnh”
“papaya” “đu đủ”
“cherries” “ang đảo”
“chestnut” “ang đảo”
“grapefruit” “bưởi trùm”
“seed” “hạt”
“rind” “vỏ”
“peel” “bóc vỏ”
“banana” “chuối”
“a bunch of bananas” “một nải chuối”
“prune” “mận khô”
“honeydew melon” “dưa bở ruột xanh”
“lime” “chanh lá cam”
“date” “quả chà là”
“cantaloupe” “dưa ruột”
“gooseberries” “quả lý gai”
“raisin” “nho khô”
“peach” “quả đàc”
“tired” “mệt”
“safe” “an toàn”
“dangerous” “nguy hiểm”
“map” “bản đồ”
“drive” “lái xe”
“to cause” “gây ra”
“announcement” “thông báo”
“statistic” “thống kê”
“appearance” “xuất hiện”
“to discuss” “thảo luận”
“project” “dự án”
“report” “báo cáo”
“implement” “thực hiện”
“injured” “bị thương”
“direct” “trực tiếp”
“program” “chương trình”
“import” “nhập khẩu”
“influence” “ảnh hưởng”
“export” “xuất khẩu”
“decree” “nghị định”
“ensure” “bảo đảm”
“condition” “điều kiện”
“responsibility” “trách nhiệm”
“rule” “quy tắc”
“create” “tạo”
“regulation” “quy định”