Italian Travel Phrases “Sick,accident,Trouble,sightseeing conversation phrases”

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“I feel sick” “Mi sento male”
“I need a doctor” “Mi serve un dottore”
“Accident” “Incidente”
“Food poisoning” “Intossicazione alimentare”
“Where is the closest pharmacy?” “Dov’è la farmacia più vicina?”
“It hurts here” “Mi fa male qui”
“It’s urgent!” “È urgente!”
“Calm down!” “Si calmi!”
“You will be okay!” “Si rimetterà!”
“Can you help me?” “Mi può aiutare?”
“Can I help you?” “Posso aiutarla?”
“I have a rash here.” “Ho uno sfogo qui.”
“I have a fever.” “Ho la febbre.”
“I have a cold.” “Ho il raffreddore.”
“I have a cough.” “Ho la tosse.”
“I am tired all the time.” “Sono sempre stanco.”
“I feel dizzy.” “Mi gira la testa.”
“I don’t have any appetite.” “Non ho fame.”
“I can’t sleep at night.” “Non riesco a dormire la notte.”
“I have asthma.” “Ho l’asma.”
“I have a heart condition.” “Ho problemi di cuore.”
“I’m pregnant.” “Sono incinta.”
“I don’t have health insurance.” “Non ho l’assicurazione sanitaria.”
“I feel a bit better.” “Mi sento un po’ meglio.”
“Help!” “Aiuto!”
“Stop!” “Alt!”
“Fire!” “Al fuoco!”
“Thief!” “Al ladro!”
“Run!” “Scappa!”
“Watch out! (or: be alert!)” “Attento!”
“Call the police!” “Chiama la polizia!”
“Call a doctor!” “Chiama un dottore!”
“Call the ambulance!” “Chiama un’ambulanza!”
“Are you okay?” “Stai bene?”
“I haven’t done anything wrong. ” “Non ho fatto nulla di male. ”
“It was a misunderstanding. ” “È stato un malinteso. ”
“Where are you taking me? ” “Dove mi state portando?”
“Am I under arrest? ” “Sono in arresto?”
“What time is it?” “Che ore sono?”
“It’s 3 o’clock” “Sono le 3”
“Give me this!” “Mi dia questo!”
“Are you sure?” “È sicuro?”
“Take this! (when giving something)” “Tenga!”
“It’s freezing (weather)” “Fa un freddo cane”
“It’s cold (weather)” “Fa freddo”
“It’s hot (weather)” “Fa caldo”
“Do you like it?” “Le piace?”
“I really like it!” “Mi piace tanto!”
“I’m hungry” “Ho fame”
“I’m thirsty” “Ho sete”
“He is funny” “È divertente”
“In The Morning” “La mattina”
“In the evening” “La sera”
“At Night” “La notte”
“Hurry up!” “Si sbrighi!”
“I don’t like” “Non mi piace”
“It’s hot” “Fa caldo”
“It’s cold” “Fa freddo”
“I would like” “Vorrei”
“I understand perfectly.” “Capisco benissimo.”
“Excuse me, what did you say?” “Scusi, che cosa ha detto? ”
“Does anyone here speak English?” “C’è qualcuno che parla inglese? “