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“Pillow” “وِسادَة”
“Shelf” “رَفّ”
“Lamp” “مِصْبَاح”
“Light Bulb” “مِصبَاح إِضَاءَة”
“Frame” “إطار”
“nightstand” “طاولة بجانب السرير”
“lamp” “مصباح طاولة”
“alarm clock” “ساعة تَنْبيه”
“daybed” “أريكة نوم نهارية”
“crib” “مَهَّدَ”
“mattress” “مَرْتَبَة”
“spring” “زنبرك”
“pillowcase” “غِطاء المخدّة”
“sheet” “شَرْشَف”
“blanket” “بَطّانية”
“clothes hanger” “علاقة”
“mirror” “مرآة”
“closets” “خزائن”
“drawer” “دُرج”
“bedroom” “غرفة نوم”
“bunk beds” “سرير من طبقات”
“chest of drawers” “خزانة ذات أدراج”
“curtains” “سِتارَة”
“pot” “طَنْجَرة”
“frying pan” “قَلاية”
“kettle” “إِبْريق نُحَاسِيّ”
“plate” “صَحْن”
“bowl” “زُبْدِيَّة”
“cup” “فِنْجان”
“cutlery” “أَدوات المائدة”
“spoon” “مِلْعَقَة”
“fork” “شَوْكَة”
“knife” “سِكِّين”
“glass” “كَأْس”
“napkin” “منديل”
“stove” “مَوْقِد”
“fridge” “ثَلاّجَة”
“microwave” “مايكروويف”
“toaster” “مِحْمَصَة”
“opener (bottles, cans)” “فتاحة”
“table cloth” “غطاء المائدة”
“straw” “شَفَّاطة”
“bottle” “زجاجة”
“can” “عُلبة”
“jug” “إبريق”
“toothpick” “عُود أسنان”
“dishwasher” “غسّالة صحون”
“stove burner” “شُعلة”
“matches” “ثِقاب”
“blender” “خَلاط”
“strainer” “مِصْفَاة”
“baking dish” “صَحن الخَبز”
“tool” “أداة”
“to cut into slices” “يقطع إلى شرائح”
“whisk” “خَفَّاق”
“squeezer” “عُصارَة”
“tray” “صِينيَّة”
“grater” “مَبْشَرَة”
“January” “كانون الثاني”
“February” “شباط”
“March” “آذار”
“April” “نيسان”
“May” “أيار”
“June” “حزيران”
“July” “تموز”
“August” “آب”
“September” “أيلول”
“October” “تشرين الأول”
“November” “تشرين الثاني”
“December” “كانون الأول”
“highway” “طريق سريع”
“alley, lane” “حارة”
“corner” “ناصية”
“corner (of a room)” “رُكُن”
“tunnel” “نَفَق”
“bridge” “جِسِر”
“small grocery shop” “بقالة”
“coffee shop” “مَقَصَف”
“bar” “حَانة”
“theatre” “مَسْرَح”
“exhibition” “مَعرض”
“fair” “مِهرَجان”
“zoo” “حَديقة الحَيَوان”
“bench” “مَقعَد”
“temple” “مَعْبَد”
“graveyard” “جَبّانة”
“insurance” “تأمين”
“exchange” “صِرافة”
“bank” “مَصرِف”
“ATM” “صرّاف آلي”
“station” “مَحطة”
“museum” “مَتحَف”
“citadel” “قَلعة”
“hospital” “مستشفى”
“clinic” “عِيادة”
“bakery” “مَخبز”
“pharmacy” “صيدلية”
“swimmimg pool” “حمّام السباحة”
“fountain” “يَنبوع”
“auditorium, amphitheater” “مُدرّج”
“sidewalk” “رصيف”
“sewer” “بَلاعة”
“hole” “حُفرة”
“traffic signals/light” “إشرات المرور”
“public transportation” “مُواصلات”
“traffic” “مرور”
“crowdedness” “إزدحام”
“noise” “ضَجّة”
“trash, garbage” “نُفاية”
“queue, line of people” “طابور”
“queues, lines of people” “طوابير”
“bus” “حافلة”
“bicycle” “درّاجة”
“motorcycle” “درّاجة نارية”
“truck” “شاحِنة”
“steering wheel” “عجلة القيادة”
“tire, wheel” “إطار”
“brakes” “فَرامِل”
“clutch” “دِبرياج”
“driver’s license” “رُخْصة قِيادة”
“to drive” “قاد”
“to drive” “يَقود”
“to drive” “القِيادة”
“to honk” “زمًّر”
“to honk” “يزمِّر”
“car horn” “زُمّارة”
“car horns” “زَمامير”
“to turn” “لفّ”
“to turn” “يَلُفّ”
“to park” “وقف”
“to park” “يَقِف”
“to park” “الوقوف”
“to collide, crash (into s.t.)” “صادم”
“to collide, crash (into s.t.)” “يُصادِم”
“accident” “حادِثة”
“driver” “سائق”
“train” “قطار”
“trains” “قطارات”
“cruise ship” “عَبَّارة”
“plane” “طائرة”
“to fly” “طار”
“to fly” “يَطِير”
“to fly” “الطَيَران”
“to take off” “أقلع”
“to take off” “الإقلاع”
“to land” “هبط”
“to land” “يَهبُط”
“to land” “الهبوط”
“passport” “جواز السفر”
“visa” “تأشيرة”
“helicopter” “مَروَحِيَة”
“to reserve” “حجز”
“to be delayed (delay)” “تأخر”
“to be delayed (delay)” “يتأخر”
“to be delayed (delay)” “التأخير”
“to tour” “تجوّل”
“to tour” “يتجوّل”
“Pollution” “تَلَوُّث”
“to suit someone (e.g. of colors or styles)” “يَليق ب”
“stylish, elegant (elegance, style)” “أنِيق”
“shoes” “حِذاء”
“slipper” “خفّ”
“lace” “رِباط”
“stiletto” “حذاء بكعب عالي”
“sneakers” “حذاء رياضي”
“boot” “جَزْمَة”
“sole” “نعل الحذاء”
“rubber” “مَطَّاط”
“comfortable” “مُرِيح”
“size” “مَقَاس”
“sandal” “صندل”
“flip flops” “صندل مكشوف”
“apple” “تُفاحة”
“cherry” “كَرَزة”
“apricot” “مِشمِشة”
“prune” “بَرقوقة”
“pear” “كُمَّثرى”
“fruits” “فَواكِه”
“grapes” “عِينَب”
“tangerine” “مَنْدَرينة”
“lemon” “لَيمونة”
“medlar” “زُعرورة”
“orange” “بُرتُقالة”
“kiwi” “كيوي”
“peach” “خوخة”
“pineapple” “أناناس”
“melon” “شَمام”
“banana” “مَوزة”
“water melon” “بَطيخ”
“coconut” “نَراجِل”
“blueberry” “قِمام آسي”
“raspberry” “تُوْت العُلًّيق”
“blackberry” “مُصْعة”
“mulberry” “تُوْت”
“strawberry” “فَرَاولة”
“persimmon fruit” “كاكي”
“dates (fresh)” “بَلَح”
“dates (dried/processed)” “تَمرَة”
“prickly pear” “صُبَّارة”
“avocado” “أفوكادو”
“mango” “مَنْجَة”
“walnut” “جَوزة”
“chestnut” “كستناء”
“pistachio” “فُستُقة”
“pine nut” “صَنَوبَرة”
“peanut” “فول سوداني”
“artichoke” “خَرْشوف”
“cabbage” “مَلفوف”
“brussel sprout” “بروكسل”
“broccoli” “بروكولي”
“carrot” “جَزَر”
“courgette” “كوسى”
“aubergine” “باذنجان”
“pepper” “فُلَيفِلة”
“tomate” “بَنَدورة”
“garlic” “ثوم”
“onion” “بَصَل”
“rocket” “جَرجير”
“lettuce” “خَس”
“leek” “كُرات”
“spinach” “سَبانِخ”
“cucumber” “خيار”
“to refuse” “أبى”
“to come” “أتى”
“to bring” “آتى”
“to influence” “أثّر”
“to prefer” “آثر”
“to be impressed” “تأثّر”
“to take” “أخذ”
“to blame” “آخذ”
“to be late” “تأخّر”
“to convey, to accomplish” “أدّى”
“to bind, to capture” “أسر”
“to assure” “أكد”
“to eat” “أكل”
“to accustom, to unite, to compose” “ألف”
“to confer, to consult, conspire” “تآمر”
“to deliberate, conspire” “إيتمر”
“to hope” “أمل”
“to be safe” “أمِن”
“to believe” “آمن”
“to begin, to resume” “إستأنف”
“to support, to confirm” “أيّد”
“to be wretched” “بئس”
“to search” “بحث”
“to begin” “بدأ”
“to begin” “إبتدأ”
“to exchange, to take turns” “تبادل”
“to express, to disclose” “أبدى”
“to be free, to recover” “برِئ”
“to vie, compete” “تبارى”
“to be slow, to make slow” “أبطأ”
“to send” “بعث”
“it ought to, it should” “إنبغى”
“to remain, be left” “بقِي”
“to leave behind, to retain, maintain” “أبقى”
“to reach” “بلغ”
“to build” “بنى”
“to be white, to become white” “إبيضّ”
“to sell” “باع”
“to explain” “أبان”
“to perceive, to become clear” “تبيّن”
“to follow” “تبِع”
“to continue, to pursue” “تابع”
“to follow, to keep an eye on” “تتبّع”
“to follow” “إتّبع”
“to translate” “ترجم”
“to leave” “ترك”
“to be finished” “تمّ”
“to destine, to afford” “أتاح”
“to confirm” “أثبت”
“to except, to exclude” “إستثنى”
“to be suitable, to be proper” “جدُر”
“to draw, to drag” “جرّ”
“to flow, run, to happen” “جرى”
“to embody, represent” “جشّد”
“to put, to make, to effect” “جعل”
“to sit” “جلس”
“to become clear” “تجلّى”
“to gather” “جمع”
“to assemble, meet” “إجتمع”
“to work hard” “إجتهد”