【APP】Croatian Travel Phrases“Telephone,Transportation conversation phrases”

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“Can I have your phone number?” “Možeš li mi dati svoj broj telefona?”
“Can I have your email?” “Možeš li mi dati svoj e-mail?”
“Hold on please! (when on the phone)” “Ostanite na liniji molim!”
“He is not here” “On nij ovdje”
“How much is a ticket to _____? ” “Koliko košta karta za”
“One tickets to _____, please. ” “Molim vas, jednu kartu za”
“Where does this train go? ” “Kamo ide ovaj vlak?”
“Where does this bus go? ” “Kamo ide ovaj autobus?”
“How do I get to _____ ? ” “Kojim putem mogu stići do()?”
“Can you show me on the map? ” “Možete li mi pokazati na zemljovidu?”
“Turn left.” “Skrenite ulijevo. ”
“Turn right. ” “Skrenite udesno. ”
“straight ahead ” “pravo”
“Taxi! ” “Taksi!”
“How much does it cost to get to _____? ” “Koliko košta vožnja do ()? ”
“Excuse me! (before asking someone)” “Ispričavam se!”
“I’m lost” “Izgubio sam se ”
“Can you help me?” “Možete li mi pomoći?”
“Can I help you?” “Mogu li Vam pomoći?”
“I’m not from here” “Nisam odavde”
“How can I get to (this place, this city)?” “Kako bih došao do?”
“Go straight” “Idite ravno”
“Then” “Tada”
“Can you show me?” “Možete li mi pokazati?”
“I can show you!” “Ja vam mogu pokazati.”
“Come with me!” “Pođite samnom!”
“How long does it take to get there?” “Koliko treba do tamo!”
“Downtown (city center)” “Središte grada”
“Historic center (old city)” “Povijesni dio grada”
“It’s near here” “Blizu je”
“It’s far from here” “Daleko je odavde”
“Is it within walking distance?” “Mogu li pješice do tamo?”
“I’m looking for Mr. Smith” “Tražim g. Smitha”
“One moment please!” “Trenutak molim!”
“Airport” “Zračna luka”
“Bus station” “Autobusna postaja”
“Train station” “Kolodvor”
“Near” “Blizu”
“Far” “Daleko”