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“How much is this?” “Koliko košta ovo?”
“I’m just looking” “Samo razgledavam”
“I don’t have change” “Nemam sitnoga”
“This is too expensive” “Preskupo je”
“Expensive” “Skupo”
“Cheap” “Jeftino”
“I am going shopping” “Idem u shopping”
“Where is the main shopping area?” “Gdje je najviše prodavaonica?”
“I want to go to the shopping center” “Želim ići u trgovački centar”
“Can you help me?” “Možete li mi pomoći?”
“I am just looking” “Samo gledam”
“Could you show me some shirts?” “Možete li mi pokazati košulje?”
“Where is the changing room?” “Gdje je kabina za probu?”
“Can I try it on?” “Mogu li probati?”
“The color doesn’t suit me” “Boja mi ne odgovara”
“Do you have it in another color?” “Imate li u drugoj boji?”
“I like it” “Sviđa mi se”
“I don’t like it” “Ne sviđa mi se”
“I wear a size large” “Nosim veličinu L”
“Do you have a smaller size?” “Imate li manju veličinu?”
“This is too tight” “Ovo je preusko”
“It fits me well” “Dobro mi stoji”
“Where can I find a bathing suit?” “Gdje mogu pronaći kupaći kostim?”
“Can you wrap it as a gift, please?” “Možete li zamotati ovo za poklon, molim vas?”