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“I have a reservation (for a room)” “Imam rezervaciju.”
“Do you have rooms available?” “Imate li slobodnih soba”
“With shower / With bathroom” “s tušem”
“I would like a non-smoking room” “Molim sobu za nepušače”
“What is the charge per night?” “Kolika je cijena noćenja?”
“I’m here on business /on vacation” “Ovdje sam poslovno”
“Dirty” “Prljavo”
“Clean” “Čisto”
“Do you accept credit cards?” “Primate li kreditne kartice?”
“I’d like to rent a car” “Želio bih unajmiti automobil”
“How much will it cost?” “Koliko će to koštati?”
“A table for one please!” “Stol za jednu osobu molim!”
“Is this seat taken?” “Je li ovo mjesto zauzeto?”
“I’m vegetarian” “Ja sam vegetarijanac ”
“I don’t eat pork” “Ne jedem svinjetinu”
“I don’t drink alcohol” “Ne pijem alkohol”
“What’s the name of this dish?” “Kako se zove ovo jelo?”
“Waiter / waitress!” “Konobar /konobarica”
“Can we have the check please?” “Možemo li dobiti račun molim!”
“It is very delicious!” “Vrlo je ukusno”
“I don’t like it” “Ne sviđa mi se”