You can listen to following sentence as you read it.Download free!
“how many/ how much” “多少”
“three” “三”
“money” “錢”
“four” “四”
“Miss” “小姐”
“five” “五”
“this” “這個”
“six” “六”
“that” “那”
“seven” “七”
“zero” “0”
“eight” “八”
“one” “一”
“nine” “九”
“two” “二”
“ten” “十”
“(call for taiwan dollar)” “塊”
“mr.” “先生”
“you” “你”
“I” “我”
“tip” “小費”
“he” ” 彼 ”
“she” “她”
“you(polite)” “您”
“to eat” “吃”
“what” “什麼”
“(used in enumerating with restrictions) two” “兩”
“cup(counter for)” “杯”
“a cup; a glass; a tumbler” “杯子”
“tea” “茶”
“all together” “一供”
“thank you” “謝謝”
“to buy” “買”
“thing” “東西”
“east” “東”
“west” “西”
“early/ good morning” “早”
“[Botany] Chinese cabbage; bok choy” “白菜”
“white” “白”
“meal,cooking” “菜”
“delicious; tasty” “好吃”
“good” “好”
“a phrase-final particle used in questions” “嗎”
“a unit of weight(1斤=600gram)” “斤”
“how many” “幾”
“to want” “要”
“to give” “给”
“(plural) you” “你們”
“we” “我們”
“they” “他們”
“there is, to have” “有”
“none; nothing; no” “沒”
“Japan” “日本 ”
“America,USA” “美國”
“to eat” “吃”
“what” “什麼”
“unnecessary” “不必”
“a country” “國”
“vehicles” “車”
“I’m sorry” “對不起”
“to sell” “賣”
“kind” “種”
“very” “很”
“ten thousand” “萬”
“thousand” “千”
“hundred” “百”
“zero” “零”
“(in expressing approval or compliments) very muc” “太”
“expensive” “貴”
“cheap” “便宜”
“a bit; a little; a crumb; a fraction; a grain; an inch” “一點兒”
“point” “點”
“to pay” “付”
“to discount” “打折”
“can. be able to” “可以”
“to pay by card” “刷卡”
“to accept; to receive” “收”
“credit card” “信用卡”
“then; so” “那麼”
“cash” “現金”
“a check; a cheque” “支票”
“hey” “噢”
“yes” “對”
“new” “新的”
“old” “舊的”
“book” “書”
“came!” “來了”
“to come” “來”
“to give” “给”
“to telephone” “打電話”
“to hit” “打”
“telephone” “電話”
“a bound subordinate particle translatable by “”s”” or with terms inter-changed by “”of””” “的”
“number” “號”
“am, is, or are/yes” “是”
“a surname; a family name” “姓”
“to exchange” “換”
“US dollar” “美金”
“Taiwan dollar” “台幣”
“please” “請”
“ahead, before, earlier, first, or in advance” “先”
“to fill in a form” “填表”
“to fill up” “填”
“form” “表”
“a sheet of” “張”
“all” “都”
“a travel(l)er’s check (or cheque)” “旅行支票”
“travel” “旅行”
“to wait” “等”
“to separate; to distribute into; to come between” “分開”
“to make an appointment; to arrange; to date” “約”
“time” “時間”
“hello ( telephone)” “喂”
“[Polite] excuse me; please; query” “請問”
“teacher” “老師”
“to exist; to be living” “在”
“who” “誰”
“people” “人”
“there” “那裡”
“here” “這裡”
“misplay” “打錯了”
“to treat someone to a meal, etc.” “請客”
“(as interrogative) where; how; what; which (one)” “哪”
“[Polite] (each) person” “位”
“to want” “想”
“to arrive” “到”
“home” “家”
“to eat a meal” “吃飯”
“meal” “飯”
“to do, to make” “做”
“today” “今天”
“tomorrow” “明天”
“yesterday” “昨天”
“evvening” “晚上”
“in the morning” “上午”
“morning” “早上”
“noon” “中上”
“afternoon” “下午”
“just” “就”
“to go” “去”
“to see” “看”
“when” “什麼時候”
“when” “時候”
“Thursday” “星期四”
“week” “星期”
“Sunday” “星期天”
“Monday” “星期一”
“Tuesday” “星期二”
“Wednesday” “星期三”
“Friday” “星期五”
“Saturday” “星期六”
“to have a free time” “有空”
“thing” “事”
“Question marker” “呢”
“busy” “忙”
“next” “下(個)”
“above” “上(個)”
“Half past two” “兩點半”
“half” “半”
“minute” “分”
“see you” “再見”
“again” “再”
“to meet” “見”
“where” “哪裡”
“toilet” “洗手間”
“to wash” “洗”
“hand” “手”
“counter for room” “間”
“upper floor” “樓上”
“floor” “樓”
“downstairs” “樓下”
“right” “右邊”
“left” “左邊”
“conter for number” “第”
“public phone” “公用電話”
“opposite” “對面”
“to take” “拿”
“pen” “筆”
“to know” “知道”
“there is no” “没/没有”
“school bag” “書包”
“inside” “裡面”
“outside” “外面”
“table” “桌子”
“chair” “椅子”
“Above” “上面”
“below” “下面”
“to have/there is” “有”
“also” “也”
“dictionary” “字典”
“word” “字”
“to go” “去”
“department store” “百貨公司”
“company” “公司”
“leather shoes” “皮鞋”
“double” “雙”
“maybe” “應該”
“to sit” “坐”
“bus” “公車”
“in front” “前面”
“at the back; in the rear; behind” “後面”
“Taiwan bank” “台灣銀行”
“bank” “銀行”
“station” “站”
“I’m sorry” “抱歉”
“to seem; to be like; to look like” “好像”
“to get off ( train, car)” “下車”
“under” “下”
“to get on ( train, car)” “上車”
“up” “上”
“intersection; crossroads” “路口”
“to find” “找”
“room” “房子”
“an apartment” “公寓”
“why; how; what” “怎麼”
“to walk; to go on foot” “走”
“to drive car” “開車”
“to open, to drive” “開”
“from,since” “從”
“street” “街”
“to be bound for” “往”
“south” “南”
“north” “北”
“to pass” “過”
“traffic lights” “紅綠燈”
“red” “紅”
“green” “綠”
“light” “燈”
“train station” “火車站”
“train” “火車”
“to turn; to rotate” “轉”
“again” “再”
“time, hour” “小時”
“room” “房間”
“to rent out; to lease” “出租”
“to rent , to lease” “租”
“a landlord” “房東”
“student” “學生”
“to study” “學”
“to rent a room” “房租”
“month, moon” “月”
“water and electric fee” “水電費”
“water fee” “水費”
“electric fee” “電費”
“water” “水”
“to count” “算”
“deposit” “押金”
“furniture” “家具”
“bed” “床”
“still; yet” “還”
“closet” “依櫃”
“to place, to put” “放”
“clothes” “衣服”
“with, and” “跟”
“TV” “電視”
“living room” “客廳”
“kitchen” “廚房”
“to take (or have) a bath” “洗澡”
“to like” “喜歡”
“how come , why” “為什麼”
“to feel” “覺得”
“small” “小”
“big” “大”
“school” “學校”
“far” “遠”
“near” “近”
“convenient” “方便”
“but, however” “可是”
“many” “多”
“little” “少”
“like this” “這樣”
“good” “好”
“to live” “住”
“to move” “搬”
“to decide” “決定”
“to sign a contract” “簽約”
“minimum” “最小”
“at most; maximum” “最多”
“year” “年”
“last year” “去年”
“this year” “今年”
“next year” “明年”
“if” “如果…的話”
“if; suppose; in case” “要是”
“only; merely; just” “只”
“what should I do?” “怎麼辦”
“a tenant; a lodger; (Am.) a roomer” “房客”
“to return; to go back; to be back” “回去”
“every” “每”
“to rain” “下雨”
“friend” “朋友”
“way” “辦法”
“to help” “幫”
“weather” “天氣”
“now” “現在”
“number” “號”
“really” “真”
“troublesome; inconvenient” “麻煩”
“to move house” “搬家”
“place” “地方”
“a question,a problem,issue” “問題”
“to make friends” “交朋友”
“scary” “帕”
“to quarrel” “吵”
“can or to be capable of” “能”
“to play” “玩”
“because” “因為”
“to go to bed” “睡覺”
“therefore” “所以”
“late” “晩”
“early,morning” “早”
“to use” “用”
“to cook” “做飯”
“a washing machine; a washer” “洗衣機”
“other side” “對方”
“long-distance” “長途”
“long” “長”
“to speak” “說”
“the nasal sound used when one makes a response or promise” “嗯”
“let’s” “吧”
“strange” “奇怪”
“next; the second,order; sequence” “次”
“to accept; to receive” “接”
“office” “辦公室”
“to try” “試”
“to wish, hope” “希望”
“to listen” “聽”
“to go out” “出去”
“to come in; to get in; to enter” “進來”
“to leave a message” “留話”
“to stay; to remain” “留”
“speeches; talks; words” “話”
“or” “還是”
“to come off work” “下班”
“to go to work” “上班”
“before” “以前”
“later” “以後”
“to wire back; to reply by telegram; to call back; to ring back” “回電”
“myself” “自己”
“May I ask your name?” “貴姓”
“a college; a university” “大學”
“to study” “念書”
“father and mother” “爸媽”
“lasting; for a long time” “久”
“~years old” “歳”
“surely; necessarily; without fail” “一定”
“can” “會”
“to teach” “教”
“an elder brother” “哥哥”
” elder sister” “姐姐”
“younger sister” “妹妹”
“some” “有的”
“to handle a task; to do a deed; to act” “做事”
“girl” “女孩子”
“boy” “男孩子”
“to conduct a class; to give a lesson” “上課”
” approximately; somewhere; perhaps; maybe” “大概”
“to know; to recognize; to understand” “認識”
“to introduce” “介紹”
“to drink” “喝”
“Coke” “可樂”
“beer” “啤酒”
“PC” “電腦”
“engineer” “工程師”
“business card” “名片”
“difficult” “難”
“easy” “容易”
“to understand; to comprehend; to know” “懂”
“work” “工作”
“a trading company; a trading firm” “貿易公司”
“often” “常常”
“movie” “電影”
” to stroll around the streets” “逛街”
“love” “愛”
“to climb up a mountain” “爬山”
“to crawl; to creep” “爬”
“to play with ball” “打球”
“to hit” “打”
“ball” “球”
“to send” “寄”
“letter” “信”
“an airmail letter; an air letter; airmail” “航空信”
“to paste” “貼”
“a (postage) stamp” “郵票”
“to overload; to overweight” “超重”
“heavy” “重”
“light” “輕”
“if” “~的話”
“gram” “公克”
“ro add” “加”
“fast” “快”
“slow” “慢”
“to pack; to package ” “打包”
“forgot” “忘了”
“to write” “寫”
“address” “地址”
“name” “名字”
“to inform” “告訴”
“postcard” “明信片”
“registered letter” “掛號信”
“postal matter; post; mail” “郵件”
“envelope” “信封”
“to get; to receive” “領”
“package” “包裏”
“window counter” “窗口”
“window” “窗子”
“an entrance; an entry; a doorway; the threshold” “門口”
“to pack” “包起來”
“an advice note; a letter of notice; a notification” “通知單”
“to notify; to give sb. notice” “通知”
“an identification card; an ID card” “身分證”
“a seal; a stamp; a signet” “圖章”
“a belt; a girdle” “帶”
“to sign; to subscribe to” “簽名”
“a travel agency; a tourist agency” “旅行社”
“copy” “影本”
“to send; to dispatch; to deliver” “送”
“fax” “傳真”
“Fax machine” “傳真機”
“Ah!; Oh, my!; Dear me!; My eye(s)!; My word!” “哎呀”
“to balance the books; to settle accounts” “結帳”
“to be broken” “壊”
“It doesn’t matter.” “沒關係”
“post office” “郵局”
“expenses; fees; charge; outlay” “費用”
“an urban district; town; the city area; urban area” “市區”
“another” “別的”
“birthday” “生日”
“to feel embarrassed; to be ill at ease; to feel small” “不好意思”
“meal” “餐”
“Western-style food” “西餐”
“French meal” “法國餐”
“France” “法國”
“how” “怎麼樣”
“near” “附近”
“famous” “有名的”
“restaurant” “餐廳”
“counter, front desk, information desk” “櫃台”
“correct; right; yes; okay” “不錯”
“(in a restaurant) a waitress,waiter” “服務生”
“to give service to; to be in the service of; to serve; to minister to” “服務”
“welcome” “歡迎光臨”
“booking; reservation” “訂位”
“seat” “位子”
“non-smoking area; non-smoking section” “非吸煙區”
“smoke” “煙”
“already” “已經”
“in a (little) while; in an instant; presently; soon; awhile; half a minute second tick; in a moment” “一會兒”
“to be willing; to be ready” “願意”
“menu” “菜單”
“to compare” “比較”
“together” “一起”
“to burn” “燒”
“taste” “味道”
“salty” “鹹”
“usually” “平常”
“samely” “一様”
“(of taste) peppery hot” “辣”
“to compute income and expense; to do (or work out) accounts; to balance the books; to make out bills” “算帳”
“sugar” “糖”
“vinegar” “醋”
“to call” “叫”
“green pepper” “青椒”
“soup” “湯”
“sweet corn; Indian corn; maize; mealies” “玉米”
“greens; green vegetables” “青菜”
“Long time no see” “好久不見”
“recently” “最近”
“hey” “欸”
“just now; a (short) while ago; a moment ago” “剛剛”
“quantifier for countable articles” “件”
“shirts; blouses” “襯衫”
“color” “顏色”
“good-looking,beautiful” “漂亮的”
“an appearance; a shape; a form” “樣子”
“to wear” “穿”
“on one’s body” “身上”
“very” “非常”
“good-looking; nice; pretty” “好看”
“ugly; unsightly; awkward; ungainly” “難看”
“to place dishes on the table” “上菜”
“knives and forks” “刀叉”
“knife” “刀子”
“fork” “叉子”
“chopsticks” “筷子”
“bill” “帳單”
“next time” “下次”
“last time” “上次”
“a kettle; a pot” “壺”
“hot” “熱”
“cold; chilly; icy” “冷”
“a tray; a plate; a dish; a salver” “盤子”
“a tray; a plate; a dish” “盤”
“dirty” “髒”
“clean; neat and tidy” “乾淨”
“a bowl” “碗”
“at once; right away; on the moment; by the run; in half a shake;” “馬上”
“(taking a time, relax,Enjoy your time)” “慢用”
“be full with hunger satisfied” “飽”
“hungry” “餓”
“special; particular” “特別”
“glad; happy; cheerful; merry; pleased” “高興”
“holiday” “假日”
“teacher” “教員”
“competition” “競爭”
“emphasize” “強調”
“common” “共同”
“interest” “興趣”
“cooperation” “協力”
“distance” “距離”
“limit” “極限”
“recording” “記録”
“Banker” “銀行行員”
“Prohibited” “禁止”
“tension” “緊張”
“quiz” “猜謎”
“sign” “籤”
“ring finger” “無名指”
“habit” “癖好”
“lip” “嘴唇”
“neck” “頸部”
“try” “設法”
“District Government” “區政府”
“Regrettable” “令人懊悔”
“classmate” “同學”
“classic” “經典”
“to live” “生活”
“to compare” “比較”
“to repeat” “重複”
“group” “集團”
“Sundial” “日暮”
“detailed” “詳細”
“hair” “毛”
“Operating” “經營”
“fluorescent lamp” “日光燈”
“calculation” “計算”
“art” “藝術”
“contract” “契約”
“theater” “劇場”
“view” “景色”
“last third of the month” “下旬”
“beam” “橫樑”
“stingy” “小氣”
“result” “結果”
“absolute” “絕對”
“absence” “缺席”
“end of the month” “月末”
“smoke” “煙”
“to kick” “踢”
“eaves” “屋簷”
“reason” “原因”
“research” “研究”
“architect” “建築師”
“deep” “濃深”
“effect” “効果”
“regret” “後悔”
“engineering” “工程”
“Electricity, gas fee” “電費,燃氣費”
“younger generation” “晩輩”
“secound half” “後半”
“citizen” “公民”
“Civil servant” “公務員”
“old age” “高齢”
“misunderstanding” “誤會”
“hometown” “故郷”
“pepper” “胡椒”
“small change” “零錢”
“Hospitality” “招待,菜餚”
“spill” “溢”
“communication” “交流”
“comedy” “喜劇”
“Little finger” “小指頭”
“later” “今後”
“Contact lens” “隱形眼鏡”
“recently” “最近”
“highest” “最高”
“last” “最後”
“slop” “斜面”
“delete” “削除”
“manufactures” “製成品”
“to shout” “喊叫”
“to avoid” “避開”
“thorn” “刺”
“to invite” “邀請”
“writer” “作家”
“suger” “糖”
“kind” “種類”
“cool down” “冷卻”
“noisy” “吵鬧”
“participate” “參加”
“overtime” “加班”
“sandal” “涼鞋”
“season” “時期”
“confidence” “自信”
“natural” “自然”
“beforehand” “事前”
“tongue” “舌頭”
“close” “親近”
“quality” “質量”
“unemployment” “失業”
“moisture” “濕氣”
“Practice” “實行”
“like a statue” “一動不動”
“actually” “其實”
“failure” “失敗”
“strength” “實力”
“Rude” “失禮”
“CD drive” “CD機”
“automatic” “自動”
“Striped pattern” “條紋花樣”
“proud” “驕傲”
“plain” “素氣”
“Expiration” “屆滿”
“society” “社會”
“coat” “外套”
“conductor” “車掌”
“Scorpion” “杓子”
“freedom” “自由”
“religion” “宗教”
“get a job” “就職”
“Traffic jam” “塞車”
“story” “故事”