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“I have a reservation (for a room)” “我訂了房間(一個房間)”
“Do you have rooms available?” “你有房嗎?”
“With shower” “有花灑設施”
“I would like a non-smoking room” “我要非吸煙房間”
“What is the charge per night?” “房租每晚是多少?”
“I’m here on business /on vacation” “我來這裡是出差 / 度假”
“Dirty” “污糟”
“Clean” “乾淨”
“Do you accept credit cards?” “你們收信用卡嗎?”
“I’d like to rent a car” “我想租一架車”
“How much will it cost?” “車租是多少錢?”
“Is this seat taken?” “這個座位有人嗎?”
“I’m vegetarian” “我是食齋的”
“I don’t eat pork” “我唔食豬肉”
“I don’t drink alcohol” “我唔飲酒”
“What’s the name of this dish?” “這道菜的名稱是什麼?”
“Waiter!!” “仕應 !”
“Can we have the check please?” “請埋單?”
“It is very delicious!” “這是非常好味道!”
“I don’t like it” “我不喜歡它”
“Shopping Expressions” “購物表達方式”
“How much is this?” “這個多少錢?”
“I’m just looking” “我只是看看”
“I don’t have change” “我沒有散紙”
“This is too expensive” “這太昂貴”
“Expensive” “昂貴”
“Cheap” “便宜”
“Do you have any rooms available? ” “你哋有冇空房呀? ”
“How much is a room for one person? ” “單人房要幾多錢呀?”
“May I see the room first? ” “可唔可以睇下間房先呀? ”
“Can you suggest another hotel? ” “你可唔可以介紹第二間酒店俾我呀? ”
“Is breakfast included? ” “包唔包早餐嘎?”
“What time is breakfast? ” “幾點有早餐嘎? ”
“Please clean my room. ” “唔該幫我執下間房”
“I want to check out. ” “我想退房”
“A table for two people, please. ” “二人枱, 唔該”
“Can I look at the menu, please? ” “俾張餐牌我睇, 唔該”
“Can I look in the kitchen? ” “可唔可以睇吓個廚房呀”
“Is there a house specialty? ” “有乜嘢嘢食出名嘎?”
“Is there a local specialty? ” “有冇本地嘢食嘎?”
“I’m a vegetarian. ” “我食素. ”
“I don’t eat pork. ” “我唔食豬”
“I don’t eat beef. ” “我唔食牛”
“I only eat halal food. ” “我淨係食清真嘢”
“Can you make it “”lite””, please? ” “嘢食清啲, 唔該”
“Excuse me, waiter? ” “侍應唔該.”
“I’m finished. ” “食完嘅喇”
“It was delicious. ” “好食”
“Please clear the plates. ” “唔該幫我清下張枱.”
“The check, please” “埋單, 唔該”
“Do you serve alcohol? ” “你哋有冇酒飲嘎? ”
“Is there table service? ” “有冇侍應埋枱嘎? ”
“A beer, please. ” “一杯 啤酒, 唔該.”
“A glass of red wine, please. ” “一杯 紅酒, 唔該”
“A bottle, please. ” “一樽, 唔該”
“Do you have any bar snacks? ” “你哋有冇小食嘎?”
“When is closing time? ” “幾點柵門嘎?”
“Cheers! ” “飲杯”