【APP】Romanian Travel Phrases “Basic conversation phrases”

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“Hi!” “Hei,alo,salut,buna”
“Good morning!” “Buna dimineata”
“Good afternoon!” “Buna ziua”
“Good evening!” “Buna seara”
“Welcome! (to greet someone)” “Bine ai venit”
“Hello my friend!” “Buna pritene”
“How are you? (friendly)” “Ce faci or cum esti?”
“How are you? (polite)” “Ce faceti?”
“I’m fine, thank you!” “Bine,multumesc”
“And you? (friendly)” “Tu?”
“And you? (polite)” “Dumneavoastra?”
“Good” “Bine”
“Not so good” “Nu prea bine”
“Long time no see” “Nu ne-am vazut de mult”
“I missed you” “Imi este dor de tine”
“What’s new?” “Ce mai este nou?”
“Nothing new” “Nimic nou”
“Thank you (very much)!” “Multumesc”
“You’re welcome! (for “”thank you””)” “Cu placere”
“My pleasure” “Placerea este a mea”
“Come in! (or: enter!)” “Intra”
“Make yourself at home!” “Simtete ca acasa”
“Have a nice day!” “La revedere”
“Good night!” “Noapte buna”
“Good night and sweet dreams!” “Noapte buna si vise placute”
“See you soon!” “Pe curind”
“See you tomorrow!” “Pe miine”
“Good bye!” “Adio”
“Have a good trip!” “Sa ai drum bun”
“I have to go” “Trebuie sa plec”
“I will be right back!” “Vin imediat”
“Good luck!” “Noroc bun”
“Happy birthday!” “La multi ani”
“Happy new year!” “An nou fericit”
“Merry Christmas!” “Craciun fericit”
“Happy Easter” “Paste fericit”
“Happy Mother’s Day!” “Ziua mamei”
“Congratulations!” “Felicitari or bravo”
“Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)” “Pofta buna”
“Bless you (when sneezing)” “Noroc”
“Best wishes!” “Urari bune”
“Cheers! (or: to your health)” “Noroc”
“Accept my best wishes” “Urari de bine”
“What’s your name?” “Cum te cheama?”
“Do you like it here?” “Iti place aici?”
“Romania is a beautiful country” “Romania este o tara frumoasa”
“What do you do for a living?” “Unde lucrezi?”
“Do you speak English?” “Vorbiti engleza?”
“how?” “cum?”
“what?” “ce?”
“who?” “cine?”
“why?” “de ce?”
“where?” “unde?”
“Just a little” “Putin”
“I like Romanian” “Imi place romineste”
“I’m trying to learn Romanian” “Incerc sa invat romineste”
“It’s a hard language” “Este o limba grea”
“It’s an easy language” “Este o limba usoara”
“Oh! That’s good!” “O, ce bine”
“Can I practice with you?” “Putem sa practicam impreuna?”
“I will try my best to learn” “O sa incerc mult”
“How old are you?” “Citi ani aveti virsta aveti?”
“It was nice talking to you!” “Mi-a facut placere”
“It was nice meeting you!” “Imi pare bine sa va cunosc”
“This is my wife” “Asta este sotia mea”
“This is my husband” “Asta este sotul meu”
“What time is it?” “Cit este ceasul?”
“Give me this!” “Da-mi asta”
“Are you sure?” “Esti sigur?”
“Take this! (when giving something)” “Poftim”
“It’s freezing (weather)” “Este foarte frig”
“It’s cold (weather)” “Este frig”
“It’s hot (weather)” “Este cald”
“Do you like it?” “Iti place?”
“In The Morning” “Dimineata”
“In the evening” “Seara”
“Are you free tomorrow evening?” “Esti libera miine?”
“I would like to invite you to dinner” “As dori sa va invit la cina”
“You look beautiful! (to a woman)” “Arata-ti bine”
“You have a beautiful name” “Aveti un nume frumos”
“Can you tell me more about you?” “Imi puteti spune despre dumneavoastra?”
“Are you married?” “Sinte-ti maritata?”
“Can I have your phone number?” “Imi pute-ti da numarul de telefon?”
“Can I have your email?” “Imi pute-ti da e-mail?”
“Do you have any pictures of you?” “Aveti poza cu dumneavoastra?”
“Do you have children?” “Aveti copii?”
“Would you like to go for a walk?” “Vreti sa mergeti la o plimbare?”
“I like you” “Imi place de tine”
“I love you” “Te iubesc”
“You’re very special!” “Sinte-ti foarte speciala”
“I’m very happy” “Sint foarte fericit/bucuros”
“Would you marry me?” “Vreti sa va casatoriti cu mine?”
“I’m just kidding” “Glumesc”
“I’m serious” “Serios”
“My heart speaks the language of love” “Sint indragostit”
“Sorry! (or: I beg your pardon!)” “Ce a-ti spus”
“No problem!” “Nu-i problema”
“Can you repeat please?” “Repetati va rog?”
“Can you speak slowly?” “Puteti vorbi incet?”
“Can you write it down?” “Puteti scrie jos?”
“Did you understand what I said?” “Ai inteles?”
“I don’t understand!” “Nu inteleg”
“I don’t know!” “Nu stiu”
“What’s that called in Romanian?” “Cum se spune in romineste?”
“What does that word mean in English?” “Ce inseamna in engleza?”
“How do you say “”thanks”” in Romanian?” “Cum spui thank you in romaneste?”
“What is this?” “Ce este sta?”
“My Romanian is bad” “Nu prea stiu romineste”
“Don’t worry!” “Nu va ingrijorati”
“I agree with you” “Sint de acord”
“Is that right?” “Este corect?”
“Is that wrong?” “Este gresit?”
“What should I say?” “Ce sa spun?”
“I just need to practice” “Imi trebuie practica”
“Your Romanian is good” “Vorbiti bine romineste”
“I have an accent” “Am accent”
“You don’t have an accent” “Nu am accent”