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“Can I use your phone?” “Pot să utilizez telefonul dumneavoastra?”
“Hello (on the phone)” “Alo”
“He is not here” “Nu este acasa”
“No, it is wrong” “Nu greseala”
“It is wrong number” “Ati gresit numarul”
“Yes, please wait a moment” “Da,imediat”
“I will call you tomorrow” “Sa Ta sun maine”
“Could you lend me a phone” “Permiteti sa dau un telefon?”
“What is your phone number?” “Ce numar de telefon aveti?”
“How much is the call cost?” “Cat costa un apel telefonic?”
“Line is busy” “Firul e ocupat”
“Can you hear me?” “Ma auziti?”
“May I ask who’s calling?” “Cu cine vorbesc?”
“I can not hear you, Please speak louder.” “Nu se aud,vorbiti va rog mai tare”
“Excuse me! (before asking someone)” “Scuze”
“I’m lost” “M-am pierdut”
“Can you help me?” “Ma puteti ajuta?”
“Can I help you?” “Cu ce sa va ajut?”
“I’m not from here” “Nu sint de aici”
“How can I get to (this place, this city)?” “Cum pot sa ajung aici?”
“Go straight” “Dute drept”
“Then” “Dupa aceea”
“Turn left” “Luati la stinga la stinga”
“Turn right” “Intoarceti la dreapta”
“Can you show me?” “Puteti sa-mi aratati?”
“I can show you!” “Va pot arata”
“Come with me!” “Vino cu mine”
“How long does it take to get there?” “Cit dureaza pina acolo?”
“Downtown (city center)” “In centru”
“Historic center (old city)” “Centrul istoric”
“It’s near here” “Este aproape”
“It’s far from here” “Este departe de aici”
“Is it within walking distance?” “Putem merge pe jos?”
“One moment please!” “Asteptati va rog”
“Hold on please! (when on the phone)” “Stati asa putin”
“Airport” “Aeroport”
“Bus station” “Statie de autobuz”
“Train station” “Gara”
“Taxi” “Taxiu”
“Near” “Aproape”
“Far” “Departe”
“Hurry up!” “Grabestete”