Chinese Travel Phrases “Shopping conversation phrases”

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“Do you have this in my size? ” “有没有我的尺寸?”
“How much is this? ” “多少钱?”
“That’s too expensive. ” “太贵了。”
“I can’t afford it. ” “我付不起。 ”
“I don’t want it. ” “我不要。 ”
“You’re cheating me. ” “你在骗我。 ”
“I’m not interested. ” “我没有兴趣。 ”
“OK, I’ll take it. ” “我要买这个。”
“Please provide me with a carrier-bag. ” “请给我袋子。”
“Do you ship (overseas)? ” “可以邮寄到海外吗? ”
“Where is the department store?” “百货公司在哪儿?”
“Which floor is the women’s section?” “几楼是女装?”
“Where do you sell maternity dresses?” “孕妇装在哪里卖?”
“Can I try this on? Where is your fitting room?” “我可不可以试一下? 你们试衣间在哪儿?”
“Is there a restroom nearby?” “你们附近有没有洗手间?”
“How much is this piece?” “这件多少钱?”
“This is really too expensive. Please give me a lower price.” “简直太贵了! 给我便宜点吧!”
“I’m paying with my card.” “我要刷卡”
“I want this piece. Please give me the large size.” “我要这件。 请给我大号的。”
“Are the prices of these clothes already discounted?” “这些衣服已经是折扣后的价格吗?”
“Do not bleach.” “禁止漂白。”
“Dry cleaning is enough for that piece.” “你那件只要干洗就好了。”
“Please iron at low temperature.” “请低温熨烫。”
“Do not use the washing machine. Hand wash only.” “不能使用洗衣机,只能手洗。”
“Is this 100% cotton?” “这是百分之百棉吗?”
“I’m looking for……” “我想找……”
“Do you have……?” “你们有……吗?”
“Do you have more?” “你们还有更多的吗?”
“Which size is that?” “那是多大号的?”
“I’ll take it.” “这个我要了。”
“What size do you wear?” “你穿多大号?”
“It looks good.” “看起来不错。”
“It suits you.” “很适合你。”
“It doesn’t suit you.” “不适合你。”
“Please pay at the check out.” “请去银台结账。”
“I’d like to pay with cash, please.” “我要付现金。”
“Can I pay with travelers checks?” “我可以用旅行支票付帐吗?”
“We don’t accept credit cards.” “我们不接受信用卡。”
“Where is the closest ATM?” “最近的自动取款机在哪儿?”
“Please sign here.” “请在这儿签字。”
“Here is your receipt.” “这是您的收据。”