Korean Travel Phrases “Basic words part 2”

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“Get Wet, Damp” “젖다”
“Glad, Happy” “기쁘다”
“Good Looking” “잘생기다”
“Good-Natured, Nice” “착하다”
“Good, Fine” “좋다”
“Happy” “행복하다”
“Hard, Stiff” “딱딱하다”
“High” “높다”
“Hot (Touch, Objects)” “뜨겁다”
“Hot (Weather)” “덥다”
“Hungry” “배가 고프다”
“Inconvenient” “불편하다”
“Interesting” “재미있다”
“Cat” “고양이”
“Dog” “개”
“Woman” “여자”
“Women” “여자들”
“Mother” “어머니”
“Sister” “언니/누나/자매”
“country” “국가”
“Embarrassed” “당황하다”
“Tired, Exhausted” “피곤하다”
“Ugly” “못생기다”
“Uncomfortable” “불편하다”
“Urgent” “급하다”
“Warm” “따뜻하다”
“Weak, Feeble” “약하다”
“Weird, Strange” “이상하다”
“Wide, Broad” “넓다”
“telephone” “전화기 ”
“Cellular phone” “핸드폰”
“video call” “영상 통화”
“text message” “문자”
“button” “버튼 ”
“vibration mode” “진동 모드”
“message” “메세지”
“to answer a phone call” “전화를 받다”
“smart phone” “스마트폰”
“to hang up the phone call.” “전화를 끊다”
“colors” “색상”
“black” “검정 ”
“blue” “파랑”
“brown” “갈색”
“gray” “회색”
“green” “초록”
“orange” “오렌지”
“purple” “보라”
“red” “빨강”
“white” “하얀”
“yellow” “노랑”
“sizes” “크기 ”
“big” “큰”
“by bicycle” “자전거로”
“by bus” “버스로”
“by car” “자동차로”
“by train” “기차로 ”
“train station” “기차역”
“bus station” “버스 정류장”
“airport” “공항”
“downtown” “시내”
“youth hostel” “유스 호스텔”
“hotels” “호텔”
“restaurants” “식당”
“bars” “술집”
“intersection ” “교차로”
“3-way crossing ” “삼거리 ”
“4-way crossing ” “사거리 ”
“uphill ” “오르막길”
“downhill ” “내리막길”
“hat” “모자”
“ink” “잉크”
“jacket” “재킷”
“letter” “편지”
“newspaper” “신문 ”
“notebook” “수첩”
“pants” “바지”
“paper” “종이”
“pen” “펜 ”
“pencil” “연필 ”
“picture” “그림 ”
“plate” “접시”
“refrigerator” “냉장고 ”
“restaurant” “레스토랑”
“scissors” “가위 ”
“shampoo” “샴푸”
“shirt” “셔츠 ”
“shoes” “구두”
“soap” “비누 ”
“socks” “양말”
“spoon” “숟가락”
“table” “식탁”
“toilet” “화장실”
“toothbrush” “칫솔 ”
“toothpaste” “치약”
“towel” “수건”
“umbrella” “우산”
“underwear” “속옷”
“wall” “벽”
“wallet” “지갑”
“Cheap” “싸다”
“Empty” “비어 있다”
“Expensive” “비싸다”
“Shoes” “구두”
“Socks” “양말”
“Book” “책”
“Books” “서적”
“clean” “깨끗한”
“bathroom” “욕실”
“bed” “침대 ”
“bedroom” “침실”
“ceiling” “천장 ”
“chair” “의자”
“clothes” “옷”
“coat” “코트”
“cup” “컵 ”
“desk” “책상”
“dress” “드레스 ”
“floor” “층”
“furniture” “가구 ”
“kitchen” “부엌”
“lamp” “램프 ”
“roof” “지붕”
“room” “방 ”
“rug” “양탄자 ”
“window” “창문”
“Dirty” “더럽다”