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“wreck” “弄毀”
“house” “家”
“short-term university” “短期大學”
“dancer” “舞者”
“signal” “信號”
“other side” “對方”
“idea” “想法”
“Iron” “熨斗”
“suitable” “適合”
“mischief” “惡作劇”
“damage” “損傷”
“at once” “同時地”
“lifetime” “一生”
“in the end” “到底”
“full” “滿滿地”
“before one’s know” “不地不覺地”
“life” “生命”
“to pray” “祈禱”
“living room” “起居室”
“image” “影像”
“Anxious” “著急”
“blessing” “祝福”
“impression” “印象”
“impromptu” “即席”
“internet” “網路”
“meet” “會面”
“virus” “病毒”
“careless” “不注意”
“Reflect” “映”
“old Song” “演歌”
“Play” “演劇”
“engineer” “工程師”
“Playing” “演奏”
“polite” “客氣”
“exceed” “超過”
“Assistance, support” “援助、支持”
“Strange, funny” “奇怪的、好笑的”
“invite to dinner” “請客”
“press” “按”
“salute” “行禮”
“forehead” “凸額”
“shy” “老實”
“dancing” “舞踏”
“opera” “歌劇”
“grandson” “孫子”
“remember” “想起”
“Memories” “回憶”
“Be considerate” “體諒、同情,令人担心”
“Thumb” “大拇指”
“to fold” “折”
“solve” “解決”
“office worker” “公司職員”
“Explanation” “解釋”
“flashlight” “懐中電灯”
“to own pet” “飼養”
“painter” “畫家”
“Chemistry” “化學”
“Heel” “腳後跟”
“registered mail” “掛號”
“to scratch” “掻”
“to smell” “嗅”
“furniture” “家具”
“confirmation” “確認”
“educational background” “學歷”
“opera” “歌劇”
“multiplication” “乘法”
“to surround” “圍上”
“overlapping” “重疊”
“decoration” “装飾”
“to lend” “借出”
“to count” “數”
“mode” “模式”
“hard” “硬的”
“Subject” “課題”
“pack” “収拾”
“win” “勝利”
“cup” “杯子”
“lovers” “情侶”
“active” “活躍”
“family” “家庭”
“camera man” “撮影師”
“international” “國際的”
“go to school” “上學”
“Independent operation” “獨立經營”
“qualifications” “資格”
“Case” “案件;事件”
“rounding” “四捨五入”
“poet” “詩人”
“weekend” “週末”
“importance” “重要”
“the host” “主人”
“kind” “種類”
“preparation” “準備”
“primary school” “小學”
“condition” “條件”
“at noon” “正午”
“boss” “上司”
“Early of the month
” “上旬”
“Teenage girl” “少女”
“Decimal” “小數”
“status” “狀態”
“joke” “開玩笑”
“conflict” “衝突”
“shock” “震動”
“actress” “女演員”
“document” “文章”
“butt” “屁股”
“stress” “壓力”
“impromptu” “即席”
“speed” “速度”
“politician” “政治家”
“adult” “成年人”
“during one’s lifetime” “生前”
“growing up” “成長”
“youth” “青年”
“birthday” “生日”
“uniform” “制服”
“living thing” “生物”
“The west” “西洋”
“Organize” “整理”
“responsibility” “責任”
“society world” “世上”
“Aggressive” “積極的”
“definitely” “絶對”
“set” “一套”
“Saving” “節約”
“back” “背部”
“by all mean” “務必”
“support” “援助”
“election” “選舉”
“detergent” “洗滌劑”
“the other day” “前天”
“war” “戰爭”
“washing machine” “洗衣機”
“PR” “宣傳”
“Senior” “學長”
“the first half” “前半”
“bathroom” “廁所”
“Vocational school” “專科學校”
“Vacuum cleaner” “除塵器”
“Imagination” “想像”
“team” “團隊”